Don Simms RNZAF


Publisher: Willson Scott

This book is in brilliant colour, with many photographs.

It will give the reader an understanding of what it was like to be in the professional, close-knit team that was the RNZAF Air Combat Force.

Whether in the flying units at Ohakea and Nowra, or in the support units at Ohakea and Woodbourne, they were true professionals, totally dedicated to operating old but well maintained aircraft that were a testament to good old kiwi ingenuity and were far from being "clapped out" as others famously chose to describe them.

New Zealanders can be hugely proud of the achievements of their Air Combat Force over many decades. This book records a significant part of that history. It is dedicated to all those who flew, and supported the Skyhawk in its 31 years of active Royal New Zealand Air Force service.

Publication Date: 25 April 2011
Pages: 338 pages
ISBN: 9781877427367
Authors: Don Simms & Nick Lee Frampton
Binding: Case Bound

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