Public Skyhawk Journal Index

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Year: 2004
Record Sort descending Author Last Name First Name Article Issue Year Journal Number Page Category
1 ATSI Staff ATSI Flight Line at Williams Gateway Airport Summer 2004 10.3 1 Cover
2 Chandler Graham The Hot Rod Squad Summer 2004 10.3 6 Skyhawk Operations
3 Gann Harry The Fabulous Four-Seater Summer 2004 10.3 5 Gann's Gallery
4 Hickerson Bob Collings Foundation: Restoration of TA-4 Progresses Summer 2004 10.3 18 Restoration
5 Jobin Ed Viking Tries to Remember: VMA-311 at Bien Hoa Summer 2004 10.3 16 Skyhawk History
6 Powell Boom The Decommissioning of VC-8 Summer 2004 10.3 15 Skyhawk History
7 Thies Terry Bleep the Fish (submitted by John Lammers) Summer 2004 10.3 10 Skyhawk History
8 Turpen Joe Size Does Matter Summer 2004 10.3 9 Modeling
9 Weber David Scooter Deck Acrobatics Summer 2004 10.3 12 Maintenance/Ordnance
10 Woodul Jack YP Abroad Summer 2004 10.3 2 TINS
11 Woodul Jack The Plight of the Intruder Summer 2004 10.3 5 Puresome
12 Woodul Jack Mig Killers of Yankee Station (O'Connor) Summer 2004 10.3 13 Book Review
13 Editors Staff 50 Years of Skyhawk Milestones (sidebar) Fall 2004 10.4 7 Skyhawk History
14 Editors Staff How Skyhawk Spent Her 50th Birthday Fall 2004 10.4 9 Skyhawk Operations
15 Editors Staff The Way We Were: Tribute to Commander Mike Trout Fall 2004 10.4 16 Skyhawk History
16 Hickerson Bob Half a Century of Grace Guts and Glory: Skyhawk Turns 50 Fall 2004 10.4 6 Skyhawk History
17 Hickerson Bob McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk (Elward) Fall 2004 10.4 19 Book Review
18 Navy U.S. 2nd MAW Skyhawk II (Easter Egg) Fall 2004 10.4 1 Cover
19 Smith R.G. VA-106 A4D-2s over USS Shangrila circa 1960 Fall 2004 10.4 5 R.G.'s Art
20 Trout Mike A Launch from the Bonnie Dick Fall 2004 10.4 17 Skyhawk Operations
21 Turpen Joe 50 Years of Skyhawk Models Part I Fall 2004 10.4 10 Modeling
22 Weber David First in Line Fall 2004 10.4 14 Skyhawk Operations
23 Weber David Restoration of A-4F 154200 at Millville Army Airfield Fall 2004 10.4 15 Restoration
24 Woodul Jack Readyroom-O-Rama: Numero 106 Fall 2004 10.4 13 Puresome
Year: 2005
Record Sort descending Author Last Name First Name Article Issue Year Journal Number Page Category
25 Adkinson Larry Who Were Those Guys? The Playboys in Vietnam Winter 2005 11.1 4 Skyhawk History
26 Arthur Stan 1972: The TA-4F Saw Combat with VA-164 on USS Hancock Winter 2005 11.1 7 Skyhawk History
27 ATSI Staff A-4 Over Arizona Winter 2005 11.1 1 Cover
28 Bittick Johnny Operations of VA-164 in 1972 Winter 2005 11.1 7 Skyhawk History
29 Bone Margaret The Crown's Off Winter 2005 11.1 11 Journal
30 Dollarhide Dave USS Forrestal Fire and VA-46 A-4E Dedication at Evergreen Winter 2005 11.1 15 Book Review
31 Foundation Collings Update on Restoration of TA-4 153524 Winter 2005 11.1 10 Restoration
32 Gann Harry Blue Angels over USS Arizona Winter 2005 11.1 9 Gann's Gallery
33 Hickerson Bob Or Sometimes the Gods Smile On You Winter 2005 11.1 18 Skyhawk History
34 Jobin Ed A Nugget and That Brand New Jet Winter 2005 11.1 16 Skyhawk History
35 Powell Boom RA-5C Vigilante Units in Combat (Powell) Winter 2005 11.1 14 Book Review
36 Powell Boom Chute Shots Winter 2005 11.1 21 TINS
37 Trout Mike Flying Final on Fujiyama Winter 2005 11.1 20 Skyhawk History
38 Turpen Joe 50 Years of Skyhawk Models Part II Winter 2005 11.1 19 Modeling
39 Woodul Jack Bouncing the Spider Winter 2005 11.1 12 Puresome
40 Woodul Jack Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America (Webb) Winter 2005 11.1 14 Book Review
41 Caiella Jim Skyhawk "508" and Lt. Al Carpenter Spring 2005 11.2 12 Skyhawk History
42 Gann Harry Bicentennial Skyhawks of VT-24 Spring 2005 11.2 5 Gann's Gallery
43 Powell Boom Boy in a Skyhawk Spring 2005 11.2 6 Skyhawk History
44 Powell Boom TA-4 Fallon Follies Spring 2005 11.2 20 TINS
45 Smith R.G. Sandblower Spring 2005 11.2 1 Cover
46 Taylor Jeremy Shadows of War (Robert Gandt) Spring 2005 11.2 18 Book Review
47 Turpen Joe Hasegawa 1/32nd Model of A-47 155018 "Lady Jesse" (Turpen) Spring 2005 11.2 11 Modeling
48 Weber David Twidget Goes Cyber - Skyhawk Association Ready Room Spring 2005 11.2 19 Website
49 Wood Drury Flight Testing the Scooter Spring 2005 11.2 14 Skyhawk History
50 Woodul Jack Seagull-O-Rama Spring 2005 11.2 16 Puresome
51 Coleman Adam Skhawks in the Falklands: the Crash Site of A-4B (C-215) Summer 2005 11.3 6 Skyhawk History
52 Editors Staff The Dumbest Contest Summer 2005 11.3 19 Skyhawk History
53 Gabbard John No Warm Breakfast for Me Or How a Landing Gear Can Make You Cry Summer 2005 11.3 15 Maintenance/Ordnance
54 Gann Harry Blue Angels in Winter Training - El Centro 1975 Summer 2005 11.3 1 Cover
55 Gann Harry MCCRTG-10 Group Gaggle 1977 Summer 2005 11.3 10 Gann's Gallery
56 Mares Ernie What the Heck Were Bullwinder and Bombwinder? (Verver) Summer 2005 11.3 13 Maintenance/Ordnance
57 Powell Boom Nose Gear Squash Summer 2005 11.3 18 TINS
58 Smith R.G. Sandblower II Summer 2005 11.3 10 R.G.'s Art
59 Turpen Joe IPMS 2005 Best Skyhawk by Joe Driver Summer 2005 11.3 7 Modeling
60 Verver Gary The Mystery of the Mystery FOD: Intake Mistake Summer 2005 11.3 12 Maintenance/Ordnance
61 Verver Gary Searching for Skyhawk Info on the Web Summer 2005 11.3 16 Website
62 Williams Mark A Case of the CLAB: Chu Lai Air Base Summer 2005 11.3 8 Skyhawk History
63 Woodul Jack The Great Firepower FRABBUP Summer 2005 11.3 14 Puresome
64 Anonymous Anonymous A Whoosh Award Fall 2005 11.4 22 Skyhawk History
65 Foster Wynn The Saints of VA-163 Part I Fall 2005 11.4 10 Skyhawk History
66 Galanti Paul In Memoriam: VADM James Stockdale Fall 2005 11.4 21 Memorial
67 Gann Harry El Toro Based H&MS-13 TA-4s off Los Angeles in 1975 Fall 2005 11.4 1 Cover
68 Gann Harry VMA-331 Snake Eyes Fall 2005 11.4 4 Gann's Gallery
69 Homer Joe "Toad" First Skyhawk Atlantic Crossing by Buddy Store Fall 2005 11.4 16 Skyhawk History
70 Langworthy Ted We Say Goodbye To Ernie Laib Fall 2005 11.4 21 Memorial
71 Powell Boom Flight Plan Fall 2005 11.4 15 TINS
72 Smith R.G. A4Ds Over the Golden Gate Bridge circa 1957 Fall 2005 11.4 4 R.G.'s Art
73 Turpen Joe Skyhawk Modeler's Family Tree Fall 2005 11.4 9 Modeling
74 Weber David The Skyhawk Association Website Ready Room Fall 2005 11.4 18 Website
75 Woodul Jack Douglas A-4 Skyhawk: Attack and Close-Support Bomber (Winchester) Fall 2005 11.4 5 Book Review
76 Woodul Jack Readyroom-O-Rama: the Drop Tanks of Doom Fall 2005 11.4 14 Puresome
Year: 2006
Record Sort descending Author Last Name First Name Article Issue Year Journal Number Page Category
77 Adkinson Larry Who Were Those Guys? Setting the Record Straight Winter 2006 12.1 16 Skyhawk History
78 Coletto Nick Dumbest: It's Not Just for Pilots! Winter 2006 12.1 23 TINS
79 Foster Wynn The Saints of VA-163 Part II Winter 2006 12.1 8 Skyhawk History
80 Gann Harry TA-4F 3-Point Landing on USS Lexington Winter 2006 12.1 6 Gann's Gallery
81 Lamers John The Bent Probe Winter 2006 12.1 12 Skyhawk History
82 Powell Boom Gremlins 1977 Winter 2006 12.1 14 TINS
83 Powell Boom The World's Worst Aircraft (Winchester) Winter 2006 12.1 7 Book Review
84 Sanders Kit A-4 Nightmare: the Dangerous Flight Deck Winter 2006 12.1 17 Skyhawk History
85 Smith R.G. A4D-1 Delivers Nuclear Weapon Winter 2006 12.1 1 Cover
86 Staff Editors Virginia Aviation Museum Restoration of A-4C 148543 Winter 2006 12.1 19 Restoration
87 Walthers Jim Training for the A-4 Nuclear Weapons Delivery Winter 2006 12.1 4 Skyhawk Operations
88 Weber Dave Open Source Software Winter 2006 12.1 17 Website
89 Woodul Jack The Great Goatsby Part I Winter 2006 12.1 20 Puresome
90 Woodul Jack Oral Tradition #406 Winter 2006 12.1 13 Puresome
91 Gann Harry VMA-324 A-4M 158158 Firing 5" Zuni Rockets Spring 2006 12.2 20 Gann's Gallery
92 Powell Boom VA-127 Adversary A-4F over Sierra Nevada Spring 2006 12.2 1 Cover
93 Boom Skyhawks and Submarines Part I Spring 2006 12.2 6 Skyhawk History
94 Powell Boom Le Cielfaucon Francais Spring 2006 12.2 13 TINS
95 Renella Marco Naval Weapons Center China Lake Spring 2006 12.2 10 Skyhawk History
96 Smith R.G. Kuwaiti A-4 Low Level over the Desert circa 1991 Spring 2006 12.2 20 R.G.'s Art
97 Williams Mark Skyhawk Restoration Review with Joe Turpen Spring 2006 12.2 22 Restoration
98 Woodul Jack The Great Goatsby Part Deux Spring 2006 12.2 14 Puresome
99 Aloni Shlomo Eight Stored AHIT N Aircraft Summer 2006 12.3 1 Cover
100 Aloni Shlomo The A-4 AHIT Today and the Rada AHIT-M Summer 2006 12.3 12 Skyhawk History

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