In an effort to document historic and current member's A-4 movies, this YouTube Channel has been created, or you can remain on this site for the same movies under THE A-4, then click VIDEO PAGE.


To share your movies on our channel, contact Dave Dollarhide at:

Video Page filmstrip inverted a-4


The following links will take you to A-4 related movies on the web.  Some will lead you to member's movies not posted on the Skyhawk Association YouTube channel.



VA-164 USS Hancock 1972 - A-4s and F-8s

A-4s and Building Chui Lai 1965

VFC-12 Adversary A-4s

USS Shangri-La A-4 F-8 high def video

A-4E A-4F Vietnam Tribute

Wings Over Vietnam

Tribute - Skyhawks in Action

USS Hancock A-4 F-11 Operations

VA-22 USS Bon Homme Richard 1969 combat cruise by Bill Dellicker

Discovery Wings – A-4

Douglas A-4 Skyhawk

A-4 Skyhawk -- Classic Marines Attack Aircraft

USS Shangri La 1969 A-4 traps with refueling drogue extended

Blue Angels – Symphony in Blue (Jets Flown)

Blue Angels - A-4 Six Ship Landing

Blue Angels - Van Halen Dreams

USMC Carqual Lexington

VA-164 "Lady Jesse"

Former A-4 pilot, CAPT JOHN NICHOLSON relates the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, first strike against Vietnam and the shoot down of Everett Alvarez in the three movie links below.  His website is




The Mighty Midget

Douglas A-4 Sales Film

Douglas Promo Video



IAF Last A-4 Flight

Air to Air Military Action - Yissachar Ruas 2015 summary – Israeli A-4Ns included

RNZAF Kiwi Red Plugged in Formation Barrel Roll

Brasilian A-4s from VF-1

Argentina A-4 Tribute

Aussie A-4G HMAS Melbourne ops-cold cat–near ramp strike-tip over

RAN A-4G Overview


A-4C - Hide's Last Ride - Dave Dollarhide

Tico Warbird Show 2014

Tico Warbird Show 2013

2013 Thunder Over Michigan - Paul Wood

Air Show - Paul Wood Flies His A-4B

ATSI-Top Aces A-4N check flight

Draken International Lakeland FL Base

First A-4 Flight in 39 Years - Dave Dollarhide

Two Draken A-4Ls - LA County Airshow

Sky Resources A-4L

A Day at the Office Rich Sugden TA-4J MIG17

Collings Foundation F-4 and TA-4

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