Vietnam Conflict Targets


Skyhawks demonstrating - "ATTACK!"

A-4 Skyhawks from the carrier USS Oriskany (CVA-34) begin an attack on the Phuong Dinh railroad bypass bridge, six miles north of Thanh Hoe, North Vietnam, September 10 1967. One of the aircraft can be seen just above the explosions on the bridge. Official U.S. Navy photo by LCDR Jerry Breast, USN. The A-4 squadrons on the Oriskany in Sept 1967 were VA-163 and VA-164. According to an internet bio Jerry Breast was born in Shelbyville, Tennessee and attended Vanderbilt University. He joined the U.S. Navy in 1958 and finished flight training in 1959. He was a dive bomber pilot during the Vietnam War, flying 336 combat missions. As an admiral he commanded the Naval Safety Center, Carrier Group Two and was the Operations Officer of the U.S. Space Command. He retired from the Navy in 1990.

A-4C Rolling in on a Rail-yard by Neil Jacobe, former Senior Graphic Specialist with McDonnell-Douglas

Mig Killing A-4C Skyhawk BuNo.148609

On May 1, 1967, Lieutenant Commander Ted R. Swartz, USN in Douglas A-4C Skyhawk, NP-685, BuNo. 148609, of the VA-76 "Spirits" and flying from the USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) shot down a MiG-17 over North Vietnam. The above picture is a display of VA-76 markings on a replica. Frank Miranda.
The real BuNo.148609 (A-4C) is pictured with the VA-12 Flying Ubangis, using side number AJ-414 and flying from the USS Shangri-La CVA-38. Skyhawk 148609 is shown cleaned up after takeoff from NAS Atsugi, July 24, 1970. Black & white photograph by and courtesy of Takafumi Hiroe of Yokohama, Japan.

On April 12, 1989, at the Experimental Aircraft Association Oshkosh Flyin, professional photographer Robert S. DeGroat of Newark, Delaware arranged a quickie aerial photo session. Bob hooked a ride in a T-28 and arranged an aerial meet with an A-4B Skyhawk and Russian MIG-21.
As you have probably noticed the Skyhawk pictured is an A-4B and not an A-4C, even though the BuNo. is 148609 and the side number is NP-685. What we have here is A-4B BuNo.142112 that is painted to replicate T. R.'s A-4C Skyhawk.
Chuck Scott was the Skyhawk pilot and Hoot Gibson the MiG-21 pilot for the photo shoot. Both aircraft were then owned by the Combat Jets Flying Museum in Houston, Texas. Later both jets were donated to the EAA Aviation Foundation in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Two more pictures from Bob's photo opportunity:
A-4B Skyhawk BuNo. 142113 in a port turn.
A-4B Skyhawk BuNo. 142113 -- the most beautiful shot for last!!!
A-4B Skyhawk BuNo. 142113 pictures taken and shared by Robert S. DeGroat

USS Constellation with aircraft formation, looks like a E-1 Tracer in the lead, two AD Spads, two A-4 Skyhawks and in the rear an F-8 Crusader, A-3 Skywarrior and a F-4 Phantom II. (VA-144 and VA-146 if taken in 1963-64) Looks like a E-1 Tracer in the lead, two AD Spads, two A-4 Skyhawks and in the rear an F-8 Crusader, A-3 Skywarrior and a F-4 Phantom II. (VA-144 and VA-146 if taken in 1963-64. Official U.S. Navy photo, Don Scott collection

A-4E Launch Unknown Scooter launched from an unknown "27C". Suspect; CVW-21 A-4E, off of USS Bon Homme Richard CVA-31 during 26 JAN 67 to 25 AUG 67 WestPac. USN - Robert Moeser


1967: The city of Hanoi, North Vietnam.


Thanh Hoa Railroad and Highway Bridge North Vietnam

USN photo by a RA-5C Vigilante of RVAH-6, Pilot - Rutledge, NFO - Follett, courtesy of Rear Admiral Thomas Brown.

Lai Duong Railroad and Highway Bridge. After their bridge is knocked out, again and again; the enemy thinks that a pontoon bridge just below the water's surface will be invisible and safe. BUT, they can't hide the access roads.


VA-44 Thanh Hoa Ferry

Kep Airfield, North Vietnam. Note the bomb craters across the main runway.


Hanoi - 1967
Surface to Air missile
Phuong Dinh Rail
Thau VA-94






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