Captain Otto krueger

Naval Aviator Wings

Captain Otto Krueger
USN (Retired)



Captain Otto Ear1 Krueger, USN (Retired), age 84, passed from this life on December 8, 2010 after complications from multiple strokes. He was preceded in death by the love of his life, Johanna Maria. He is survived by his daughter, Kathleen Ann, grandsons Kris and Matt; sister-in-law, Vera Krueger and nephew, Carr C. Krueger. Otto graduated from the Naval Academy in 1949 and began his flight career in 1950 as a designated Naval aviator. His first tour of duty was the Korean War in 1951, flying F9F-2 Panthers. He served four tours in Vietnam where he has the distinction of being the first pilot launched into combat off the first nuclear carrier, the U.S.S. Enterprise. He was a highly decorated Naval officer with honors including three Distinguished Flying Crosses, fourteen Air Medals, a Bronze Star, three Navy Commendations medals and three Navy Unit Commendations. His career was shared every step of the way by his beloved wife as was his passion for skiing. Otto served on the Indianhead Ski Patrol until the time of his death. Otto's love of others was demonstrated as a Hospice Care volunteer where he lovingly cared for patients and regarded the staff as his extended family. His daughter, Kathleen, will miss him greatly as a loving Dad, and she will miss Johanna as a loving mother, who taught her values, the true meaning of family and love.




Skyhawk Association note: Otto served for many years as the "Navy Unit Coordinator" for our organization. His contributions were many, and he was always ready to aid former shipmates in their quest for information about past shipmates.


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