Indonesia Skyhawk Combat Sorties


1965 - "OPM"
Indonesia in combat with the OPM (Free Papua Movement (Indonesian: Organisasi Papua Merdeka) in the Papua and West Papua provinces of Indonesia against the independence of those areas.

1974 to 1998: FReTILin:
Indonesia fought against the "FReTILin" (Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor).

APR 1982: Ranai Airbse at Natuna Besar, Medan Airbase in North Sumatra
Hasanuddin Airbase in Sulawesi.

Sam Ratulangi Airbase, North Sumatra.
Baucau Airbase in East Timor against "Fretilin".
Biak Airbase in Irian Jaya against "OPM" guerrillas.

01 SEP 1983:
OPERASI PERSATUAN (large TNI offensive) used Skyhawks on NOV 1983 for combat sorties.

A typical Skyhawk load was six MK82 bombs and fourteen FFAR rockets along with two drop tanks.

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