
The Training Squadron NINE - Tiger Nine was never assigned the Skyhawk. The Tigers were in the jet training pipeline teaching initial jet flight instruction for many Skyhawk pilots.

VT-9 Tigers - 1961
Patch drawn by Bud Southworth


No data to date


Tiger Nine


1927: VT-9 commissioned as a torpedo squadron.

15 DEC 1961: VT-9 Commissioned at NAS Meridian.

JUL 1987: dis-established.

1 OCT 1998: Re-established.

Home Ports

1961 - 199? - - McCain Field, Naval Air Station Meridian, Mississippi.

Air Wings

Yxxxx: Training Wing One (TW1)




1961 - - NorthAmerican T-2A Buckeye.

1968 - - North American T-2B Buckeye.

1969 - - North American T-2C Buckeye.

200x: T-45C Goshawk.

Commanding Officers

20xx: Commander Garret Krause, USN>



"Bud" Southworth

December 15, 1961: Training Squadron NINE VT-9 established at Naval Auxillary Air Station Meridian, Mississippi, flying the North American T-2A Buckeye. VT-9 was staffed with personnel transfered from Training Squadron SEVEN.

December 31, 1968: Training Squadron NINE assigned the North American T-2B Buckeye.

April 30, 1969: Training Squadron NINE assigned the North American T-2C Buckeye.

August 2, 1971: Training Squadron NINE was split in half and a second squadron, Training Squadron 19 Attack Frogs, was established.

March 1971: The Navy switched training concept to parallel flow. VT-9 provided basic flight training in Transition, Precision Acrobatics, Basic Instruments, Radio Instruments, Night Flying, Formation Flying, Air-to-air Gunnery and Carrier Qualification.

September 1972: Rraining Squadron NINE was assigned the training concept of Basic and Advanced flight training.

1975: Training Squadron NINE tasked with jet transition for Marine helicopter pilots.

1975: Training Squadron NINE tasked with jet transition for Navy propeller pilots.

1977: Training Squadron NINE tasked with jet transition for Spanish helicopter pilots.

1982: Training Squadron NINE tasked with Grumman E-2 pilot training comprised of 68 training flights in the T-2C Buckeye.

JUL 1987: VT-9 was disestablished and consolidated with VT-19.

OCT 1998: VT-9 was reborn when VT-19 was re-designated VT-9.

2002: Training Squadron NINE, still tasked with Grumman E-2/C-2 pilot training utilizing the Buckeye through 2003. Update (04/01/2002) provided by Jon Vanbragt, a pilot flying in VT-9.

JUN 2004: VT-9 conducts last Student Naval Aviator flight in the T-2C Buckeye.

2005: CNO Safety "S" from CNATRA.

Two SEC NAV Meritorious Unit Commendations

Bud Southworth

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