
Training Squadron NINETEEN - Attack Frogs was never assigned the Skyhawk. The Attack Frogs were in the jet training pipeline teaching initial jet flight instruction for many Skyhawk pilots.



No data to date


Attack Frogs


02 AUG 1971: VT-19 Commissioned at NAS Meridian.

01 OCT 1998: VT-19 re-designated VT-9.

Home Ports

1961 - 199? - - McCain Field, Naval Air Station Meridian, Mississippi.

Air Wings

Yxxxx: Training Wing One (TW1)




1971: North American T-2C Buckeye.

Commanding Officers

No data yet.


02 AUG 1971:
Training Squadron 9 was split in half and a second squadron, Training Squadron 19 Attack Frogs, was established.

March 1971: The Navy switched training concept to parallel flow. VT-19 provided basic flight training in Transition, Precision Acrobatics, Basic Instruments, Radio Instruments, Night Flying, Formation Flying, Air-to-air Gunnery and Carrier Qualification.

September 1972: Training Squadron NINE was assigned the training concept of Basic and Advanced flight training.

1975: Training Squadron NINE tasked with jet transition for Marine helicopter pilots.

1975: Training Squadron NINE tasked with jet transition for Navy propeller pilots.

1977: Training Squadron NINE tasked with jet transition for Spanish helicopter pilots.

1982: Training Squadron NINE tasked with Grumman E-2 pilot training comprised of 68 training flights in the T-2C Buckeye.

JUL 1987: VT-9 was disestablished and consolidated with VT-19.

OCT 1998: VT-9 was reborn when VT-19 was re-designated VT-9.


No info yet.


Bud Southworth

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