RMAF No.6 and No.9 Squadrons

RMAF No.6 and No.9 Squadrons

Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO). See FAQ/Research/Contact link under [SA] in the menu.

Sqn 6
Sqn 9

Sqn 6


Patch from Don Simms


David Weber


No info yet.


02 JUN 1958: Royal Malayan Air Force was formed.

16 SEP 1963: The name of the Air Force was changed to "Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia" (TUDM), or Royal Malaysian Air Force".

Home Ports

Royal Malaysian Air Force Base at Kuantan.

Air Wings

No info yet.


Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft:

196x: Canadiar CL41G Tebuan
CA27 Sabre

1975: Northrop F-5E Tigers replaces the CA27 Sabre.

1985: 6 and 9 Squadrons

1985: Douglas TA-4PTM Skyhawk.

M32-01 = BuNo 149630

M32-02 =

M32-03 =

M32-04 =

M32-05 =

M32-06 =

1985: Douglas A-4PTM Skyhawk.

M32-07 = BuNo 149594

M32-08 =

M32-09 = BuNo 148479

M32-10 =

M32-11 =

M32-12 =

M32-13 =

M32-14 = BuNo 145092

M32-15 =

M32-16 =

M32-17 =

M32-18 =

M32-19 = BuNo 145092

M32-20 =

M32-21 =

M32-22 =

M32-23 = BuNo 148588

M32-24 =

M32-25 =

M32-26 =

M32-27 =

M32-28 =

M32-29 = BuNo 147807 displayed at Royal Malaysian Air Force Museum Sungai Besi Museum Sqn 9.

M32-30 = BuNo 147782 c/n 12546 displayed at Royal Malaysian Air Force Museum Sungai Besi Museum, see note in unit photo section below.

M32-31 =

M32-32 =

M32-33 =

M32-34 = 31OCT2006 displayed outside main gate at Butterworth Air Base.

M32-35 =

M32-36 =

M32-37 =

M32-38 =

M32-39 = BuNo 148555

M32-40 =

1994: (6 Squadron)
BAE Hawk Mk108/208

1995: (29 Squadron)

1997: (18 Squadron)
F/A-18D Hornet


No info yet

Commanding Officers

No info yet.


No info yet

Awards continued

No additional info


1982: Purchase of 88 Ex US Navy McDonnell Douglas A-4C/L Skyhawks. Grumman Bethpage refurbished the airframes into the A-4PTM (Peculiar To Malaysia) configuration (similar to A-4M standard). It is believed that 34 single seat versions were completed, and that six single seat versions were converted to two-seat trainers. Assuming that the two-seat conversions took two cockpits from two airframes to produce one two seater; total airframes used to create the 40 a/c would have been 46. With 88 purchased, and 46 airframes used to create the 40 delivered a/c. that left 42 airframes in the U.S. not delivered.

September 24, 1985: Lt. Udara Khiril ejected safely when his RMAF Sixth Squadron A-4PTM Skyhawk (unknown BuNo) skidded off the runway while trying to land at the Royal Malaysian Air Base in Kauntan while on a routine circuit and landing exercise today. New Straits Times, Tuesday, 24 September 1985.

June 24, 1988: Lt. Wahi Anuar Mat Amin is still missing after his A-4PTM Skyhawk (unknown BuNo) crashed in the South China Sea on June 24 while on a training flight from Labuan to Kuantan. New Straits Times, October 1, 1988.

October 4, 1988: An unidentified pilot ejected safely when his A-4PTM Skyhawk crashed in the South China Sea. It was the second A-4PTM Skyhawk crash in less than a week and the fifth since 1984 and as a result the remaining 35 Skyhawks have been grounded for checks. Williamson Daily News, October 4, 1988.

August 15, 1990: Mejer Ong Cher Keong with the RMAF Ninth Squadron was killed when his A-4PTM Skyhawk (unknown BuNo) crashed into a mountain in low clouds while leading a two plane formation. New Straits Times, August 15, 1990.

July 30, 1992: Two unidentified pilots ejected safely when their TA-4PTM (unknown BuNo) trainer crashed at Kuantan RMAF airbase on July 30. New Straits Times, August 12, 1992.

21 AUG 1992: TA-4PTM crashes in Pahang.

1994: BAE Hawk Mk108/208 replace the A-4PTM in 6 Squadron (Kuantan AFB) and 9 Squadron.

1999: September 1999, the Royal Malaysian Air Force Skyhawks were retired except for TA-4PTMs retained for aerial tanker duty. The Skyhawks are abandoned at the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base at Kuantan. Some military related web sites list "30 A-4PTM Skyhawks as "retired".

Unit Photos

TUDM M32-35 A-4PTM parked on the edge of the tarmac. Gary Verver.

TUDM M32-34 parked next a A-6 Intruder. Gary Verver

TUDM M32-20 parked on the line. Gary Verver.

TUDM M32-40 parked on the ramp next to another TUDM Bird.

1986: M32-28 taxiing.

1986: M32-22 in-flight with another A-4PTM.

1986: TUDM M32-09 parked on the ramp.

1986: TUDM M32-02 TA-4PTM parked on the ramp with others of its kind.

1986: TUDM M32-04 TA-4PTM in-flight with TA-4PTM M32-06 and a A-4PTM.

Skyhawk BuNo 147807, M32-39, parked on the flight-line. Unknown Photographer via W. Mutza

APR 1997: Squadron 6 M32-02, TA-4PTM, at rest at Singapore.

Tentara Udara Diraja Malaysia Skyhawk M32-23 (BuNo 148555) parked on the ramp and painted the brown/green camouflage scheme. Davd Steinbacker

In-flight view of Tentara Udara Di-raja Malaysia Skyhawk M32-01 (BuNo 149630) painted in the brown/green camouflage scheme. Unknown Photographer via Wayne Mutza

BuNo 145092 as a Charlie.

BuNo 145092 as a Lima.

BuNo.145092 #14, about to touch down. Wings Magazine, photo by Ron Picciani.

PTM (Peculiar To Malaysia) Skyhawks - 1999.
As of September 1999, the Royal Malaysian Air Force PTM (Peculiar To Malaysia) Skyhawks were no longer operational. Sadly their flying days are well and truly over after having been in outdoor storage for several years. Here a row of the A-4PTM and TA-4PTM Skyhawks rest in the tropical Kuantan weather while the jungle is rapidly overgrowing them. Photograph from Don Simms.

The End Of The Road
A close-up of the abandoned PTM Skyhawks. The Royal Malaysian Air Force purchased Skyhawks that were re-manufactured to Malaysian standards by the Grumman Aircraft Company. The Royal Malaysian Air Force PTM (Peculiar To Malaysia) Skyhawks were re-manufactured A-4C and A-4L Skyhawks. The A-4L Skyhawks were previously re-manufactured A-4C Skyhawks, so some PTM Skyhawks had been rebuilt twice. Six two-seat Skyhawks were purchased, built from single-seat versions, and designated TA-4PTM.
Photograph from Don Simms.

Tail hook down, 147807 is on display.

2004: BuNo 147782; Malaysian Skyhawk M32-30 on display at the Air Force Museum in Subang (Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia. Peter Lewis.  Display is marked M32-30 per Peter Lewis, but a BuNo 147782 image shows M32-20.

31OCT06: Y2006 sited TUDM M32-34 Butterworth Air Base, Malaysia.

Off-Duty Photos

No info yet.

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