NAS Dallas

NAS Dallas

Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO). See FAQ/Research/Contact link under [SA] in the menu.


AUG 1929: City of Dallas, TX establishes Hensley Field in what is now Grand Prairie, TX. The site is leased to the Army Air Corps and serves as an Air Corp Reserve Base.

MAR 1941: Navy begins operations at Hensley Field.

15 MAY 1941: Navy establishes Naval Reserve Training Base adjacent to Hensley Field.

01 JAN 1943: NAS Dallas is established for the purpose of primary flight training.

26 FEB 1946: Naval and Marine Reserve Training Program established at NAS Dallas.

30 SEP 1949: command of the facility is passed from the Air Force to the Navy, but the Air Force continues to use the facility for reserve training.


26 SEP 1998: NAS Dallas is decommissioned. Tenant commands were relocated earlier to NAS JRB Fort Worth, the former Carswell Air Force Base.

VMFA 112 Cowboys (F/A-18A's)
Here is some information that might be beneficial to you in regards to scanning military aircraft at NAS Ft.Worth JRB, TX. Being in the F-14 squadron assigned to NAS Ft. Worth I have learned the following radio call signs:
"Hunter" is our squadron call sign, VF-201 "Hunters". We fly the F-14A Tomcat.
"Cowboy" is the radio call sign for VMFA-112 "Cowboys" a Marine reserve squadron that flies the F/A-18 Hornet.
"Rodeo" is the call sign for the 181st Airlift Squadron of the Texas Air National Guard that flies the C-130H
"Bear" is the call sign of VMGR-234 "Thundering Herd" a Marine reserve squadron that flies the KC-130F/T


Date Assigned ----------------Aircraft

28 February 1958: - - - Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk *

31 March 1958 - - - - - Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk *

5 November 1969 - - - - Douglas A4D-2N (A-4C) Skyhawk *

24 July 1977: - - - - - Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk

20 February 1978: - - - Douglas A-4M Skyhawk

17 April 1981 - - - - - Douglas TA-4F Skyhawk

* November 30, 1962

The A4D-1 designation changed to A-4A

The A4D-2 designation changed to A-4B

The A4D-2N designation changed to A-4C

For A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit see lower in this page:

Commanding Officers

1993: Captain D.F. "Rick" Miller


None known yet.


Gary Verver

David Weber


26 FEB 1946: Marine Air Reserve Training Command (MARTC) activiated at NAS Glenview and Marine Aviation Detachments (MADS) are formed at Nas Atlanta, Dallas and Glenview.

1950: The naval reserve squadron stationed at NAS Dallas was the first air reserve squadron to be called to active service in the Korean War.

1952: First jet aircraft assigned.

1993: Units aboard NAS Dallas:

1993: Navy Dallas Air Show complete with the Blue Angels. Static displays included the A-4 Skyhawk.

1994: Relocation to "Carswell Air Force Base Fort Worth Texas which becomes a Navy administered "Joint Services Base".

26 SEP 1998: Naval Air Station (NAS) Dallas officially decommissioned 26 September 1998. Its tenant commands had been relocating to NAS Joint Reserve Base (JRB) in Fort Worth for several years. NAS JRB Fort Worth was officially established 01 October 1998.



VF-59 (Fleet Air Logistics)


136 Tactical Wing Texas Air National Guard

U.S. 14th Marine Headquarters

Various Army and Army National Guard Aviation Units

A large Naval Reserve Readiness Center

Reserve Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 22

Regional Headquarters Selective Service System

Southwest U.S. Air Force - Civil Air Patrol Liaison Office

U.S. Coast Guard reserve unit

Unit Photos

28 JUL 1956: A4D-1 BuNo 137831, 28 July 1956, in-flight near Dallas. 137813 was assigned to NASWF Kirtland AFB, NM. at this time. Photographer unknown, from Gary Verver.

01 JAN 1983: BuNo. 158514 departed NAS Andrews for NAS Dallas and lost a left main mount wheel on lift-off. It was decided to divert to NAS Willow Grove to get help from VMA-131 who had the knowledge of the A-4 systems. The pilot decided to retract the landing gear and land on the under-wing fuel tanks.
BuNo. 158514 wheels up landing Ron Picciani

Aug 1986:NAS Dallas Skyhawk BuNo 152850, 7D-02, parked on the flight line. Photo by Rick Alexander, Gary Verver Collection.

Oct 1986 OMD: Dallas Skyhawk BuNo 158514, 7D-01, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection.

26 JUL 1986: NAS Dallas TA-4J BuNo 158514, 7D-01. Photo by P. Wilson from Verver Collection.

01 OCT 1986:NAS Dallas TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152850, 7D-02, parked on the ramp. Copyright Werner Munzenmaier.

28 NOV 1987: NAS Dallas TA-4J BuNo 155082, 7D-00 at Dallas. Photo by Paul Shine, from Gary Verver Collection.

1987: Dallas BuNo 156914 TA-4J 7D3 parked on the ramp with canopy up. Photo from Gary Verver.

JAN88: Dallas Skyhawk BuNo 158514, 7D-01, parked on the flight line. Gary Verver Collection.

NAS Dallas A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 159484, 7D-02, on approach with the gear down and the speed brakes out. Source unknown. Pic2 Pic3

Date unknown: Right front view of NAS Dallas A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 159477, 7D-04, on the ramp in a lo-vis grey scheme. Photo from W. Munzenmaier.

BuNo 158514, 7D-01, in flight. Gary Verver Collection.

BuNo 154977, 7D-04,  NAS Dallas. Gary Verver Collection

BuNo 159789, 7D-04, Dallas. Gary Verver Collection.

BuNo 159789 SD-01 Dallas. Gary Verver Collection.

June 1990: BuNo 159477, 7D-04, parked on the ramp. Keith Snyder, G. Verver collection.

FEB 1991: Left side view of NAS Dallas Rangers A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 159477, 7D-04, in-flight and painted in a lo-vis grey/grey paint scheme. Copyright photo by Joe Cupido.

FEB 1991: 159777, 7D-04, in-flight and painted in a lo-vis grey/grey paint scheme. Name below the canopy is LCDR Danielson, can not make out the call sign. Copyright photo by Joe Cupido.

07 MAY 1991: NAS Dallas A-4M BuNo 159789, 7D-01, 07 MAY 1991 at NAS Dallas.

07 MAY 1991: NAS Dallas A-4M BuNo 160027, 7D-03, 07 MAY 1991 at NAS Dallas. W. Munzenmaier Photo.

20 JUL 1991: BuNo 160027, assigned to NAS Dallas, on the ramp at Andrews Air Force Base. Stephen Miller.

Circa 1992: BuNo 159484 on the ramp.

24 MAR 1993: NAS Dallas A-4M BuNo 159490, 7D-03, 24 May 1993 at Andrews AFB next to CT-39C Sabreliner BuNo 163053. Name below the canopy is LT S.A. "Grumpy" Ordich. Photo by W. Munzenmaier.

March 2000: BuNo 159789 on display at the Ft Worth JRB in the markings of OMD Dallas, 7D-01. Rick Alexander, G. Verver collection.

Off-Duty Photos

None yet.



  • Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk



    Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk



    Douglas A4D-2N (A-4C) Skyhawk



    Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk


    • 137824 C/N 11294


      • 28 Feb 1958 - BAR R&D - NAS Dallas, TX

        26 Nov 1958 - O&R BUAER M&S - NAS Alameda, CA

      142685 c/n 11747


      142747 c/n 11809


      • 31 Mar 1958 - BAR R&D - NAS Dallas, TX

        30 Jan 1959 - USNMC R&D - NAS Point Mugu, CA

        20 Apr 1964 - NART - NAS Dallas, TX

        27 Apr 1964 - Storage - NAF Litchfield Park, AZ

      147783 C/N 12547


      • 05 Nov 1969 - MARTD - NAS Dallas, TX

        19 Nov 1969 - MARTD - NAS Alameda, CA

      155082 c/n 13898


      155089 c/n 13905


      156914 c/n 14007


      156924 c/n 14017


      158514 c/n 14319


      • 02 Dec 1981 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

        28 Mar 1988 - NAD Pensacola - NAS Pensacola, FL

        24 Jul 1977 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

        11 Mar 1981 - VC-12 - NAS Oceana, VA

        02 Jan 1982 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

        07 May 1984 - VC-12 - NAS Oceana, VA

        01 Dec 1980 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

        05 Aug 1982 - VT-21 - NAS Kingsville, TX

        24 Mar 1981 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

        01 Mar 1988 - COMTRAWING-1 - NAS Meridian, MS

Douglas TA-4F Skyhawk



Douglas A-4M Skyhawk


  • 152850 C/N 13496


    154310 c/n 13698


    • 30 Jan 1973 - VMAT-102 - Convert to TA-4J


      18 Nov 1983 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      19 Feb 1988 - VC-13 - NAS Miramar, CA

      17 Apr 1981 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      24 Mar 1982 - VT-4 - NAS Pensacola, FL

    158169 c/n 14206


    159477 c/n 14418


    159484 c/n 14425


    159490 c/n 14431


    159788 c/n 14487


    159789 c/n 14488


    159798 c/n 14497


    160027 c/n 14529


    • 30 Dec 1987 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      30 Sep 1989 - NART - NAS Dallas, TX

      13 Sep 1990 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      Stricken - After 31 Mar 1992 and before 30 Jun 1992

      30 Oct 1987 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      26 Sep 1989 - NART - NAS Dallas, TX

      20 Sep 1990 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      31 Mar 1994 - NASC FSO, MASDC - Davis-Mothan AFB, Tucson, AZ

      23 May 1992 - NAS Dallas - NAS Dallas, TX

      31 Mar 1994 - NASC FSO, MASDC - Davis-Mothan AFB, Tucson, AZ

      20 Aug 1992 - NAS Dallas - NAS Dallas, TX

      18 Mar 1994 - NASC FSO, MASDC - Davis-Mothan AFB, Tucson, AZ

      24 Nov 1992 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      18 Mar 1994 - NASC FSO, MASDC - Davis-Mothan AFB, Tucson, AZ

      14 Oct 1989 - NART - NAS Dallas, TX

      Stricken - After 30 Sep 1992 and before 31 Dec 1992

      20 Feb 1978 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      17 Oct 1980 - VC-12 - NAS Oceana, VA

      13 Aug 1987 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      21 Sep 1989 - NART - NAS Dallas, TX

      27 Sep 1990 - NAS - NAS Dallas, TX

      06 Aug 1992 - NADEP - MCAS Cherry Point, NC

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