Australian Navy Skyhawks


The United States sold a total of 20 Skyhawks to Australia for the Royal Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm.

Eight new A-4Fs and two new TA-4Fs were delivered in 1967. The Australian Skyhawks were designated A-4G and TA-4G. These Skyhawks were delivered via which loaded them, and some S-2 Tracker aircraft, during a visit to San Francisco.
The remaining 10 aircraft (eight refurbished A-4Fs and two refurbished TA-4Fs) were delivered in 1971. They were transported from San Diego U.S.A. to Australia via HMAS Sydney (ex-cxr, now transport) and arrived there in AUG 1971.

In 1982, Australia's only remaining aircraft carrier, HMAS Melbourne, was retired from service and, shortly thereafter, the remaining RAN Skyhawks were sold to New Zealand.

The Australian Connection.

724 Squadron


Douglas Poster courtesy of Gary Verver

Delivered NOV 1967
154903 = A-4G #882 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
154904 = A-4G #883 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
154905 = A-4G #884 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
154906 = A-4G #885
154907 = A-4G #886 lost at sea 24 SEP 1979
154908 = A-4G #887 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
154909 = A-4G #888 crashed 23 MAY 1979
154910 = A-4G #889
154911 = TA-4G #880 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
154912 = TA-4G #881 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
Delivered AUG 1971
154647 = TA-4G #878
154648 = TA-4G #879 crashed 16 MAY 1974
155051 = A-4G #870
155052 = A-4G #871 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
155055 = A-4G #872 crashed 17 JUL 1975
155060 = A-4G #873
155061 = A-4G #874 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
155062 = A-4G #875
155063 = A-4G #876 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF
155069 = A-4G #877 transferred JUL 1984 to RNZAF

Below two photos are from Phillip Thompson, former RAN Skyhawk Aviator.

Unit: RAN
Location: RANAS Nowra
Date: 1967-68
Photo credit: RAN
Contact: Provided by Phil Thompson
Description: PIC1: VADM Allen M. Shinne (U.S.N.) hands over the aircraft log packs to Rear Admiral G.J.B. Crabb, C.B.E., D.S.C., R.A.N.. Mr. Donald W. Douglas looks on.
PIC2: 23 NOV 1967: First Skyhawk arrives for the RAN FAA at RANAS Nowra Main Gate. The "Gate Guards" are L to R: Sea Fury and Firefly.

Unit: HMAS Melbouren
Location: San Francisco, U.S.A.
Date: 1967
Photo credit: RAN
Contact: Provided by Phillip Thompson
Description: U.S.A 1967, HMAS Melbourne visits the states to pick up eight new A-4Es and two TA-4Fs for the RAN (Royal Australian Navy) FAA (Fleet Air Arm). They also received some S-2 Trackers, two-engine sub-hunters.


1970s: Royal Australian Navy Skyhawk formation as they fly over the HMAS Melbourne: top to bottom BuNo 154907, #886; BuNo 154908, #887; and BuNo 155051, #870. RAN Photo


Unit: Fleet Air Arm
Photo credit: RAN
Contact: Provided by Phil Thompson
Description: Royal Australian Navy, Fleet Air Arm, Operational Flying School, Classes

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