Argentine Air Force

Point of Contact - Squadron Duty Officer (SDO)

Refer to the CONTACT LIST under "THE ASSOCIATION" drop down menu.

Part of a Douglas Poster, courtesy of Gary Verver:

Argentina was the first foreign government to purchase the Skyhawk. In 1965 it contracted to purchase 75 surplus U.S. A-4B (Douglas designation A-4P) and A-4C aircraft for use by the Argentine Air Force.

Twenty-five A-4Bs were delivered to Argentina in 1966, the second 25 arrived in 1970.

The final 25, A-4Cs, were delivered in 1976.

Following the 1982 Falklands/Malvinas War in the South Atlantic, in 1983 the U.S. placed an embargo on sale of military aircraft to Argentina. The remaining Argentine Skyhawks continued operational until March 1999, when the last five of the old inventory were retired.

The U.S. embargo was lifted in 1994 and Argentina ordered 36 A-4Ms (re-designated A-4AR Fighting Hawk) from U.S. surplus. The first eight A-4ARs were refurbished in the U.S. by Lockheed-Martin and the remaining 28 were modified at a Lockheed Martin facility established in Argentina. The Fighting Hawk refurbishment-upgrade program was completed on 31 May 2000 and the aircraft are currently operational, assigned to the 5th Air Brigade at Villa Reynolds, west-northwest of Buenos Aires.

Update 13DEC18: Argentine Skyhawks are apparently sitting idle, no maintenace funds.

Argentine Air Force Fourth and Fifth Escuadrilla (Squadron).

FAA (Air Force) A-4B to A-4P

142799: C-201

142127: C-202

142421: C-203

142136: C-204

142694: C-205

142762: C-206

142688: C-207

142139: C-208

142684: C-209

142128: C-210

142701: C-211

142773: C-212

142129: C-213

142109: C-214

142102: C-215

142098: C-216

142747: C-217

142099: C-218

142416: C-219

142796: C-220

142108: C-221

142752: C-222

142110: C-223

142132: C-224

142803: C-225

142090: C-226

142104: C-227

142728: C-228

142734: C-229

142736: C-230

142748: C-231

142749: C-232

142757: C-233

142760: C-234

142765: C-235

142784: C-236

142788: C-237

142830: C-238

142838: C-239

142855: C-240

142859: C-241

142862: C-242

142866: C-243

142883: C-244

142893: C-245

142901: C-246

142902: C-247

142910: C-248

142911: C-249

142914: C-250

FAA A-4C to A-4P

147714: C-301

148438: C-302

149526: C-303

149618: C-304

148562: C-305

148435: C-306

148452: C-307

148612: C-308

147747: C-309

148450: C-310

148517: C-311

147765: C-312

150595: C-313

149564: C-314

148531: C-315

147806: C-316

147830: C-317

148556: C-318

148553: C-319

149642: C-320

147741: C-321

149514: C-322

148467: C-323

148559: C-324

149585: C-325

FAA TA-4AR (former OA-4M)

154328: C-901

154295: C-902

154651: C-903

153531: C-904

159472: C-905


FAA A-4AR (former A-4M)

158161: C-906

158167: C-907

158178: C-908

158419: C-909

158193: C-910

158429: C-911

159471: C-912

159493: C-913

159778: C-914

159472: C-915

159780: C-915?

160029: C-916

158164: C-917

158423: C-918

158171: C-919

158426: C-920

159475: C-921

160045: C-922

159470: C-923

160025: C-924

158413: C-925

160032: C-926

160035: C-927

160039: C-928

160040: C-929

160042: C-930

160043: C-931

159478: C-932

159483: C-933

159486: C-934

159487: C-935

159783: C-936

158523: C-

159476: C-

159473: C-

154828: Parts only

159470: ?

158414: Parts only

158417: Parts only

160029: Parts/Display

154173: A-4F, Parts/Display


Front section of BuNo 155064, and rear section of BuNo 158126 (3A-761) on a trailer to be delivered to Argentina for parts. Delivered OCT 2009 to Museo Santa Romana, San Luis Argentina. Photo by Herman Longoni.

Rear fuselage of 155064, parts for Argentina. Photo by Herman Longoni


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