Skyhawk Association Modeling Photos
Banner is Earl Hosmer's work - see more from him below.
Joe Turpen
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Joe Turpen - Feb.13, 2003: Well here are my projects that are under construction. Two are A-4B's and the other is an A-4C. The one in the middle is a 1/72nd scale bird while the others are 1/48th scale. The other picture is the 1/48th scale resin seat I'll use in the two aircraft of that scale. More pictures later as they progress.
Three birds
A seat
2006 IPMS Nationals - VMAT-102
2006 IPMS Nationals - 145140 VA-192
2006 IPMS Nationals - 150028 VMA-311
2006 IPMS Nationals - 150118 VA-46
01MAR2003: Royal Singapore Air Force flight demo team kit.
Argenine model from Aztec models in Mexico.
BuNo.144954 by Joe Turpen
Shot of 144954
BuNo.144954 again, but this time from the Fujimi 1/72nd scale kit. This time as a bird from VA-152 with CVW-17 aboard the USS Forrestal CVA-59 from Jul. 68 to Apr. 69. This kit was actually produced in 80's but was interesting to build.
BuNo.144954 with VA-152 by Joe Turpen
Second shot of 144954 with VA-152
Both models of 144954 facing each other so you can compare the 1/48th and 1/72nd scale. I think you can tell which is which. In case your wondering I do think they also make 1/144 scale A-4's.
BuNo.144954 in both sizes.
Earl Hosmer's work of the International Plastic Modelers Denver-Rob Wolfe chapter.
Display Build: "Here is the beginning of the Skyhawk display that will appear at the IPMS convention in July at Oklahoma city.
Fantastic yes? The Association Researchers have assisted with this so I thought you'd like to see this." Skyhawk Association - Joe Turpen
"Hello Scooter fans....took a few pics of the display as it is coming along. New center section with ordnance
will have Everett's A-4M on it, but my AF-1 will substitute for now. Graphics work needs to be complete as you can see. It will look awesome with all our Skyhawks aboard!" Earl Hosmer of the International Plastic Modelers Denver-Rob Wolfe Chapter.
Pic1, Pic2, Pic3.
A4D-1 Construction Zone: Pic1, Pic2, Pic3.
It's A4D-1 BuNo.137814
This 1/48th scale A4D-1 (later redesignated A-4A) represents an early production Skyhawk, and was converted from the Hasegawa A-4C kit, although now that the B-model has been released in kit form this would be an easier choice. Modifications include shortening the nose and altering the profile. The inflight refueling probe was deleted and the mount on the starboard side of the nose was sanded off. A new "skinned" rudder was made from sheet styrene, with the trim tab scribed in. A small actuating rod on the port side was added. A new instrument panel was scratchbuilt, along with a few minor changes to the side consoles. Simulated fabric was added to the cockpit sidewalls using tissue paper and white glue. The kit ESCAPAC ejection seat was converted into the NAMC seat used in the A-models, and detailed out with harness and fittings. The interior of the canopy features the prominant ribbed cushions and other details. The subject aircraft was not fitted with guns so the gunsight and HUD were removed. Backdating the exterior involved fillling in many of the scoops and openings in the fuselage....use the Ginter book as a reference. Finish is in Natural Metal, using SNJ spray metal in a variety of shades, along with decal film and Bare Metal foil panel enhancements. Markings are a combination of the kit decals (national markings), some cobbled together serial numbers and NAVY markings from Superscale A-4B and F-8 sheets, and the large "814" numerals came from a Superscale Soviet tactical number sheet.
Two photos from Earl Hosmer on a VA-22 A-4f under construction.
A4-F Pic1
A4-F Pic2
Here are two more of Earl's A-4's. One is an A-4SU and the other is a Brazilian Navy AF-1. I have more information on the AF-1 it's BuNo is 160100 and it's KAF No. as an A-4KU was 809.
Brazilian Navy AF-1
Argentine Air Force A-4P BuNO 142862 C242:
Pic1 Argentine Air Force A-4P Pic1, A-4P Pic2 by Earl Hosmer of International Plastic Modelers Society Denver-Rob Wolfe Chapter." Provided by Joe Turpen, Skyhawk Association Modeler and Researcher
The A-4P was the mainstay of the Argentine Air Force attack squadrons during the 1982 Falklands War. This model was built using the 1/48th scale Hasegawa A-4C kit as the starting point (now that the A-4B is out in kit form this would be the kit to buy since the P was a refurbished B-model Skyhawk). The A-4B had a different instrument panel than the C-model but since I was going with a closed canopy, I used the kit cockpit as is with some extra detailing. I also detailed out the kit ejection seat. Exterior modifications include shortening and re-profiling the nose, adding the saddle-type ADF antenna on the dorsal spine, and making the two rod antenna on either side on the vertical stabilizer. Several scoops on the C-model had to be filled in as well. The paint is Poly Scale acrylic,mixed to match photos of the Argentine Air Force A-4Ps during the 1982 war, which also included the field-applied yellow wing-tips used for identification. markings are from the Aztec in Mexico and represent an A-4P which destroyed the Royal Navy frigate HMS Antelope with a 1000lb bomb delivered from masthead height. The brave Argentine pilot was killed seconds after weapons release by a British Sea Wolf missile.
The OA-4M (23 made) was based on the TA-4F 2-seater which had full combat capability, and was used by the Marines beginning in 1978. It differs from the TA-4F in having an abbreviated avionics “hump” similar to the A-4F/A-4L/A-4M. The USMC used the OA-4M as a FAC and flying command post.This model is based on the Monogram 1/48th scale OA-4M kit. All raised panel lines and detail were removed, and panel lines scribed. Cockpit is out of the kit with a LOT of added detail…instrument panels are scratch built. Wheel wells, landing gear, and canopy are extensively detailed. Spoilers cut out and raised, with scratch built actuators. Sheet plastic intake trunk and compressor face was added, as was a new tailpipe. Markings are an assortment of SuperScale low-vis decals from several sheets, exact unit unknown (the kit decals are wretched!).
The A-4L is a modest upgrade to 100 A-4C airframes to reinforce A-4 units in Vietnam if necessary. They were fitted with A-4F avionics humps, but retained the J65 engine and 3-hardpoint configuration. As luck would have it, the L-models were never needed for combat over SE Asia, and most were used as trainers and “hacks” by reserve units. Many found their way to Malaysia as A-4PTMs following their Navy service. The model is based on the excellent Hasegawa A-4C kit, which includes the avionics hump and all antenna needed to make this simple conversion. I built mine mostly out-of–the-box except for some added detail in the cockpit and brake lines. Markings are from Eagle Strike and depict a colorful Bicentennial scheme for VA-204, a naval reserve unit. This was a very easy and fun conversion to the superb A-4C kit.
Theses two shots are of a VA-22 A-4F from Earl of the IPMS/Denver-Rob Wolfe Chapter (International Plastic Modelers Society) who is building the exhibit.
VA22 A-4F
VA22 A-4F
May 2004 - Joe:
Try this for your survey of model kits. It is the terrible (by today's standards) Lindbergh A4D-1/A-4A. I built it in 1965 after knowing I was going to VSF-1, hence the Sidewinders. The missiles are plastic sprue with cardboard fins. The fuel probe a stick with tape at the end. The erroneous hinged wing-flaps on the kit were filled in with card and tape. Note how they have warped and peeled over the years. The decals were all I had. Natch, they have yellowed over the years. The rudder paint scheme pure imagination.
How the model survived more than a dozen moves is a wonder. At VA-125 I was given one of the solid models from Douglas. It went on display and this model was put into the fancy foam-filled box the factory model came in. Years went by and the Douglas model warped in the sun and heat until it had wings like a Corsair of old. I gave it to my kids who played with it to destruction. The Lindbergh kit survived in its box.
Back in 1964 while in training at Meridian, Emory Brown (later CO of VF-84 in F-14s) a fellow model building student, built this kit and made the tailhook from heavy wire. He cleverly rigged the A-4 on a cord stretched across his BOQ room. When the door tripped the release the model "flew" down the wire and "trapped" on rubber band and string arresting wires on the top of his bureau.
1965 Model
Walt Fink
From the AUG 2004 IPMS Nationals in Arizona. There were 2033 models at the nationals, many of the Skyhawks.
Walt Fink - August 04
Y2004 IPMS Skyhawks Pic1
Y2004 IPMS Skyhawks Pic2
Y2004 IPMS Skyhawks Pic3
Y2004 IPMS Skyhawks Pic4
Peter Fearson
BuNo 157905: This A-4K won second place at a IPMS Regional on 30Apr05. It is a conversion of the Hasegawa 1/48th A-4E to the KAHU version from New Zealand. The builder is Peter Fearson and he's the president of the Flight 19 chapter of IPMS.
Photo courtesy of David Tibbs
Fleix Secreto
BuNo 148305 Model by Felix Secreto. On December 22, 1965 LTJG Wendall Reed Alcorn was shot down by small arms fire while flying with VA-36 from the USS Enterprise. He was captured and made a POW.
Felix Secreto has created a model of the A-4C that LTJG Alcorn was flying when he was shot down. BuNo 148305 is depicted as she looked on that fateful day.
BuNo 148035 Pic 1
BuNo 148035 Pic 2
BuNo 148035 Pic 3
BuNo 148035 Pic 4
BuNo 148035 Pic 5
BuNo 148035 Pic 6
BuNo 148035 Pic 7
BuNo 148035 Pic 8
BuNo 148035 Pic 9
BuNo 148035 Pic 10
BuNo 148035 Pic 11
BuNo 148035 Pic 12
BuNo 148035 Pic 13
"Thanks to Mr. Davis White and Mr. Ted Langworthy along with Donnie Alcorn, Don Alcorn and of course Wendell himself (and all the others) for all the support and information. I tried as best I could to recreate the Scooter that Ray actually flew. It was a challenge because no after-market companies made the exact decals, so I mixed and matched."
Felix Secreto
21 June 2005
Calum Gibson
Royal Australian Air Force NZ6217
This is A-4K NZ 6204 which had Navy BuNo.157907 and here is modeled as she appeared in the early 80's at RNZAF base Ohaken with No. 75 Sqdn. The kit used was the Hasegawa A-4E/F which had everything necessary for an early A-4K. The only modifications made were to remove a couple of bits on the intakes and move the lower anti collision light from the left to right side. Other than the rocket launcher the weapons are from the Hasegawa weapons kit. The paints used were the Gunze Sangyo Grey (FS36222), brown (FS30219), and light green (FS34102). For the dark green (FS34079) the Tamiya XF-58 olive green was used since the Gunze Sangyo color looked to dark. Though some of the Hasegawa decals were used, Gekko decals were used for the RNZAF markings.
157907 Pic1
157907 Pic2
157907 Pic3
157907 Pic
Calum Gibson's A-4G as it appeared as NZ6217 of the Royal New Zealand Airforce. This aircraft began it's service career as 155053 and served with VA-155 and VA-212 as well as the Royal Australian Navy as N13-155063 with RAN code 876. The aircraft went to the RNZAF in July 1984 where it became NZ6217. It was withdrawn from service in December 2001.
Calums aircraft is painted for the RNZAF's No. 75 squadron in 1984. The aircraft was built from the Academy A-4E kit with details such as pitot tube, Tacan Antenna and LAU 7 added from the Hasegawa kit. The aircraft was built as a flying kit to show the slats in the up position, which is rarely seen.
Excluding the rocket launcher the weapons came from the Hasegawa weapons set. The RAN paint scheme of Light Admiralty Grey (blue) and Dark Sea Grey was used and painted with Tamiya XF-23 Light Blue and XF-54 Dark Sea Grey. Though some of the Hasegawa decals were used the RNZAF decals were from Gekko Graphics.
155053 Pic1
155053 Pic2
155053 Pic3
155053 Pic4
Dennis Sparks
An A-4L was made by Dennis Sparks of the Military Modelers Club of Louisville. This model represents as aircraft used by the Air Barons Flight Demonstration Team of VA-209. It was made using a 1/48th scale Hasegawa A-4 with Eagle Strike decal sheet 48021 A-4 Skyhawks Part 1.
VA-209 A-4L Pic1
VA-209 A-4L Pic2
VA-209 A-4L Pic3
Jerry Kopff
VA-776 BuNo 142169
Jerry Kopff has contributed many Skyhawk images to the Association's web site.
Wolfgang Feichtner
May 27, 2004
To Joe at Skyhawk Association:
Even in Austria the Skyhawk is known, and I really like the shape of this great a/c. This is a model with 1,4m span, 18 lbs weight, propelled by a 18N miniature gas turbine, giving incredible real sound. Flight characteristics: Fast, but easy to handle, only on approach don´t bleed the speed to much, or she is sinking faster than a rock with full control authority.
I am looking for colorful paintings, as my next one is in build, better detailed.
Could anybody help?
I'll give this fella all the help he needs. This is interesting.
Joe Turpen
Wolfgang No.1
Wolfgang No.2
Wolfgang No.3
Nick Monopoli
Nick Monopoli, a neighbor of one of my cousins in Massachusetts and a Master Model Maker built two gorgeous A-4 models. Paul Galanti - Association POW Coordinator
Monopoli #1
Monopoli #2
Monopoli #3
Monopoli #3a
Monopoli #3b
Monopoli #3c
Paul Galanti's 693, and Tex Birdwell's 681.
Ten Hasegawa Skyhawks in progress.
A-4C fuselage damage.
A-4C fuselage repaired.
A-4C cockpit detail.
Andrew Abshier
I'm writing to contribute a few photos to the Skyhawk models page. I've used the Skyhawk Association pages extensively to research my Skyhawks...
The first model is A-4C BuNo 148609 of VA-76, in the markings of LCDR T.R. Swartz on the day he shot down the Mig-17. It's the Hasegawa 1/48 scale kit with decals and Zuni pods from the Hobbycraft A-4C kit.
The second model is A-4E BuNo 150000 of VA-212. This one uses the other choice on the kit decals from the "Lady Jessie" boxing of the Hasegawa 1/48 A-4. MER and Mk. 82s are from the Hobbycraft A-4C kit.
I have quite a few more Skyhawks underway at this time!
148609 of VA-76
148609 of VA-76
150000 of VA-212
150000 of VA-212
150000 of VA-212 and 148609 of VA-76
Bajoe Sjahpoetro
158185 VMA-311
158185 VMA-311
158185 VMA-311
158185 VMA-311
158185 VMA-311
Sam Hall
The model is of NZ6256 wearing the Royal New Zealand Air Force 50th anniversary commemoration colour scheme applied during 1987. It is based on the 1:72 Fujimi TA-4J kit, with a few modifications to convert it to a TA-4K. The fin tip was squared off using a replacement resin piece made by Ron's Resins of Australia, with the braking parachute housing from the same source. The blade aerial behind the cockpit was cut from plastic sheet. The 150 gallon underwing tanks (this aircraft only carried 150 gallon tanks while in this colour scheme) came from the Hasegawa F-9 Cougar kit. The decals came from Model Alliance in the UK. The model was painted overall Tamiya TS-21 Gold, with minimal weathering, as the real thing was kept very clean while in the special colours. NZ6256 was one of the ex RAN TA-4G's purchased by the RNZAF in 1984. It went through the Kahu upgrade programme at the end of the 1980's, and served until 2001 when it was destroyed after it became uncontrollable during a practice ACM sortie. The pilot made a successful ejection and was recovered safely.
Gold 11
Gold 12
Gold 13
Gold 14
NZ6201 is modelled as it appeared at the end of its service life in 2001. The model is a Kahu upgraded Skyhawk, with all the associated aerials and antennae. The final colour scheme was overall FS34079 green. Tamiya XF-65 Field Grey enamel was used for the colour, with the dark fuselage panels (peculiar to this aircraft!) and drop tanks in the Humbrol equivalent M116. The real thing was heavily weathered, with areas of paint missing from one drop tank. The model was weathered with chalk pastels.
The model is the Fujimi 1:72 A-4E/F, modified to represent a Kahu A-4K. The fin, RWR antennae and D-704 pod are Ron's Resins items, with the various other aerials and antennae being scratchbuilt from plastic sheet. The starboard landing light is a left over from a 1:48 Hasegawa F-4. The braking parachute housing came from the kit, and is the same as used on the A-4M. Decals were from a Flying Kiwis sheet.
Kahu 1
Kahu 3
Kahu 6
Frank Daniels
The A-4C in CAG-10 colors from the USS Intrepid Westpac cruise of 1967-1968. This model was meticulously built as a tribute to the men of ATKRON-36 who served aboard USS Intrepid during the above time period. The world famous "Roadrunners" made up primarily of junior officers with no combat experience performed in a manner to win the battle E. After returning from Westpac the squadron redeployed to the Mediterranean with CAG-17 onboard USS Forrestal
Photos via Dan Moyaln (Roadrunner)
A-4C AK-515
A-4C AK-515
A-4C AK-515
Tony Jones
VT-7 TA-4J Buno 158501 model by Tony Jones.
Photos via Tony Jones
TA-4J A-744
TA-4J A-744
TA-4J A-744
VAQ-33 EA-4F Buno 153481 model by Tony Jones.
EA-4F GD-6
EA-4F GD-6
EA-4F GD-6
EA-4F GD-6
EA-4F GD-6
IPMS 2016 Nationals:
new links here
IPMS 2014 Nationals:
new links here
IPMS 2013 Nationals:
new links here
IPMS 2012 Nationals:
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IPMS 2010 Nationals:
New links here.
IPMS 2008 Nationals:
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IPMS 2005 Nationals:
The nationals are over and it set records as there were 3,172 models entered in the contest. Counting those used only for display there were over 4,000. This is class 128 small jets (55' wing span or less). There were around 80 jets in this particular class with several A-4's present.
This Skyhawk is an A-4M from VMA-214 and it not only won the class but received the Best Skyhawk Award. sponsored by the Skyhawk Association.
Here are some of the 1/48th scale A-4's that were at the Nationals
Lady Jessie by Joe Turpen
This is a 1/32nd Haswgawa kit. The guy used some detail.
Lady Jessie
Lady Jessie
Lady Jessie
All of these are 1/48th Hasegawa kits except the VA-152 bird. It appears to be the Fujimi 1/72nd kit. However it may be a Hasegawa 1/72nd kit.
The Skyhawk Association provided an award for the "Best" Skyhawk at the Y2005 IPMS Region 4 Meeting. The winner is Joe Driver of Suwannee Georgia. The photo is by Jerry Davis.
A-4E BuNo.151148, VA-192
Second shot of BuNo.151148
Third shot of BuNo.151148
JUN 2003: It's a Hasegawa 1/48th scale A-4B. This particular aircraft is the CAG bird from VA-106 and CVG-10 aboard the USS Essex CVA-9 from Aug. 59 to Feb. 60.